Karma Yoga

Many visitors to Bali complain about the rubbish on the island, especially the amount washed ashore in the rainy season – but don’t do something about it.  One of our big goals is to make this beautiful part of Balitrash-free, so we regularly clean the beach in front of our resort, and encourage the villagers as well as our guests to help out. We also ask our retreat leaders to include an afternoon of service in their programme, so retreat members can organise a beach clean-up together.


We call that karma yoga.


We work with the ‘Trash Hero’ programme in Amed that leads weekly beach clean ups. Visit Trash hero website and facebook page. It’s a big commitment in time and money , and our guests’ support can make all the difference. So if you have any special skills or knowledge that could help us to become a trash-free zone, please let us know. In the meantime, simply help us by picking up all the trash that comes along your way!   We will ensure that it gets to the right place for separating, sorting and recycling.


Matur Suksema!

Trash Hero

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